Thursday, June 02, 2005


Well....holidays for me this time ain't gotta go out....hehe...Tuesday and Wednesday I went for choral speaking at 8 but was forced to arrive at 7 due to the absence of transportation...a long wait it was...and bored i was...
The choral speaking attendance was pathetic...only 5 of 40 student appeared....the rest apparently...didn't know or were busy...Ms Sharmini told us to go home at 9,well....i took a bus and found that the fare had increased drastically....RM2 just to get to Town...holly....i was 60 cents last McDonalds at town while waiting for the other bus..then set of once reach home for the computer.
The next day, history repeated itself, again...5 students arrived, and Ms Sharmini was pissed told us that she will dissolve the team and write a letter to the management...and again....i went home...this time by LRT at 9.29 am. Ugh the journey was pathetic, I missed the LRT twice(at diffrent stations) the first one i wan't sure so I skipped it, then the second one, i had the wrong station name....XD....blur....
After the second LRT i had to walk along Loke Yew Highway...with no freaking sidewalks(the sidewalks was occupied by barries for no reason) i had to walk on the white line, thus forcing the cars and motorists to aavoid me, rather than me avoiding was scary as the vehicles passed by me, nearly grazing the seam of my shirt...ugh...i'm definetely not doing that again...
After that obstacle, the next challenge was to walk 3 km home....ugh....i sat down at a stall to replenish the drained out energy in my legs and consume an angelic glass of ice milo....phew...Once again i set i was walking towards a bus stop, a bus passed, i sped after it hoping to skip some walk.....BUT jus didn't want to just had to drive on without giveing prior notice to me...i abandoned hope and resumed the third bus stop...i reached in time to catch a bus and skip a km of walk....YAY!!! Again...i settled at home...had a nice hot shower...and faced the computer.....again....


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