Yea....its over...xD....say bye-bye to the lousy...badly done...not prepared...second term exam...gah...with physics as the final finale...well...not bad of a close...hehez....bad for Ariel maybe...but certainly not for me...hehez...blood was gushing through my arteries...veins...and capilaries...i was finally free!!!....but the moment lasted for just a while...the next lot of exams will still come again...though it seems far...slacking must not be done...i'll not let history repeat...gahhh....last minute study...guess one time is enough to get someone like me to learn his lesson...--__--....guess i'm a weak minded soul...easy hurt or changed by failure...maybe thats something good...heh....AWW MAN....i'm turning into a freaking nerd....and thats bad...><...gah...nothing suits me...guess its time for me to get glasses....xD...we'll see....